Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/627

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60'? Ap!S?NDiX. [C?. by numerous irregularities, npecially on the north-west coast, are yet sutllciently distinct to indicate'a probable cou* 'nexion with the geological structure of the country; since the coincidence of similar ranges o? coast with the direction the strata, is ? fact of very frequent occurrence in other parts of the globe o. And it is observable that considerable unl. formity exists in the specimens, from the different places in this quarter of New Holland which have been hitherto exa- mined; sandstone, like that of the older formations o? rope occurring generally on the north and north-west coasts, and appearlug to be extensively diffused on the north-we?t of the Gulf of Carpentaria, where it reposes upon primitive ?ocksT. in 1815, was of extraordinary violence. See g. Inst. Journal, vol. i. (]816), p. ?48, &c. At Lacresse Idanil, in the mouth of Cambridge Oulf, om the north-west coast of l?ew Holland, the he? rise to the N.W.: their d?reetion co?mequently is from S.W. to I?.E.; lind the toward8 the I?h land of Timor. The iutervenlno? se? is very �A remarkable case of this kind, which has not? I believe, been noticed, occurs in. the Mediterranean; and i8 conspicuou? in the new chart of that se&, by Captain W. H,. Sinyah. ?aeeastern om?tof ?aml 9a?lin&, feraslme? of mavethantwe hun- dmd ?*mpblmd mikm bein? Ma?IF rectilinem', in & directioa north to ?uth; and, Captain Sinyah h? infmmed me, mm?t?g almost entirely of g?mite, or, at least. of primitive incIra. Tke c?ast of lqorm?y affords another i,?anoe of the ? de?rl? and the details of the, range? in the intm?r of R on,?isml furmiak several examples of the 8ame idnd, on a sinidler

  • The coast line? nearly at ri?dat an?!es to the?e above-m? 'nthmed

-4mm.t?e S.!?. of the Gulf of Carpentaris to Limme?'s Bight,-- Cape LondondenT,--have al?o a certain degree of iino?rlty; but much ]ess remarkable, than those which run from S.W. to