Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/145

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CH. IX.]

inhabitants, however, were very proud of it, calling it Calzon rajada, which is the Spanish name for it, and means rayed breeches, but the Indians call it Bombache, the meaning of which I could not ascertain. The distance from Los Esclavos to Zuaquiniquiniquilapa is seven leagues, which the traveller may recollect by the number of syllables in the word, which are eight,—subtracting, of course, one league from the name, on account of the length of it.

Although we had travelled twenty-two leagues the preceding day, my companion was up and stirring by four o'clock. Indeed, I was greatly indebted to him for the trouble he took in all the business of the journey; but, although I almost conceived myself bound to submit to his directions in every thing which related to it, I was fain to take another nap, after he had called me: this I could not effect, owing to the noise and bustle occasioned by removing the luggage from the viranda, the clamorous shouts of the peons, as they