Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/150

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[CH. IX.

whilst they dearly loved the pigs, they as cordially abominated the Jews.

On reaching Los Arcos, which is an hacienda within seven leagues of the capital, we came in sight of the three great mountains: they stand in a triangular shape, and from this spot, two of them nearest to us formed the base and the other the apex. We travelled on three leagues farther, and arrived at a small village, after clambering up the side of a long steep hill, which in many countries would be considered a mountain, and stopped to refresh ourselves at a poor hovel. The name of the place is Frayjanes; and I remember nothing more about it than that we lunched and took our siesta under a tree before the hut, and that there were a great quantity of dirty children and a few little pigs.

The country began, from this place, to take the appearance of some considerable degree of civilization. Gates and inclosures manifested the division and estimation of