Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/24

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[CH. I.

with my permission, into a carpet bag, which was the only part of the luggage which was not already packed; and this, together with the money I took for my own occasions, was tied up by one of the muleteers in an estera, or mat of the country. I had just mounted my horse and was starting, when Mr. Mayorga, the Guatemalian minister, arrived to take leave of me. He also informed me that it was his intention to accompany me part of the journey, and that he had sent on his baggage for that purpose. I, of course, entered the carriage which he had provided; a large clumsy machine, drawn by eight mules. I found in it also my particular friend, Don Domingo Saviñon, secretary of the Colombian legation at Mexico.

When we had passed the garita, or gate of the city, it was observed that Mr. Mayorga's baggage had not passed through it, and we turned back to see if it had gone out by another gate, which also led to San Agustin, the place where we pro-