Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/286

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constitution was signed by the deputies; and on the 6th December the congress sanctioned the loan of Messrs. Barclay and Co. for 7,142,047 dollars; but which, owing to the grand money-crisis in this country, was, it is well known, never negotiated, except to a very inconsiderable extent. Had it been so, the government would have been strengthened and the troublesome effects of the late civil dissentions would, in all probability, have been prevented: as it is, as we shall presently see, they have been put down by the arm of the government, without that pecuniary aid which they had contracted for, and which they had a right to expect. It is problematical if any one of the old European governments would have been able to maintain its dignity and power under a similar disappointment.

The succeeding year of 1825 was also marked by the following circumstances, conducive to the honour and stability of the republic.

On the 21st February, the consul from