Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/291

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for the ground echoed, and the dust was teeming with the remains of those who had been entombed in the midst of life: twice in half a century had the inhabitants of this beautiful but awful spot been cut off in the meridian of their enjoyments, snapped off like flowers from the stem, and—but their surviving relatives seemed unmindful of their fate.

I had again entered the town: the Plaza or Grand Square was still thronged with those who, from gaiety, indolence, or curiosity, had come to witness the festive scenes which were offered to their enjoyment. The fireworks were not exhausted, the lamps were still brilliant, and the crowd was yet dense. Two opposite sides of the square were occupied, one by the municipal house and public offices, the other by a place of worship, and the two other sides by mercantile store houses and magazines for provisions; — the whole presenting an epitome of church, state, agriculture and commerce. Whilst these thrive, political economists say people will be happy,