Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/342

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my leave of him, he good naturedly wished me a prosperous journey to England, and a speedy safe one back again to Guatemala.

I then adjourned to the palace to take formal leave of the president. I could see that he was anxious to discover what was my general impression, that is, whether favourable or not, with regard to the state of the republic. The only subject on which it was reasonable to entertain any doubts upon this point, was that relating to San Salvador, in which State some difficulties had arisen with regard to the appointment of a bishop. The people of San Salvador, conceiving it necessary to establish a bishoprick, had appointed, without the archbishop's consent, the Father Delgado to that function: the archbishop having denied his sanction, and having, in fact, refused to ordain him, the matter was referred to the ecclesiastical Cabildo, who reported that the appointment was not lawful. The matter being then dis-