Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/413

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harder plots, and placed on the edge of another into which it slips down by aid of the lubricating mud upon the surface; and in many instances the poor animal rests upon its chest or its belly, the hole being too deep for its legs to fathom. In these cases, I had some difficulty in riding my horse, for he would always endeavour to keep his feet out of the holes, whilst the nature of the road rendered it impossible for him to do so: at first he was violently enraged and threatened to dash himself to pieces; but by degrees, as I pulled him down each step into the holes, he began to walk, much against his inclination: he was the only horse in the whole party; and I was strongly advised to ride a mule; but I knew the value of being well mounted, and had reason to congratulate myself in sticking to my resolution, on the present as well as every other occasion.

We were now within two leagues of the coast, and I ventured on alone some distance through the forest with the joyful expect-