Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/428

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which she provided for them in the town: we were comfortably lodged; but could not help regretting that the rooms were so small and low pitched.

The climate of Belize is exceedingly hot: indeed, the average of the thermometer, night and day, was about 95°, during the period of our stay; which proved at least a fortnight longer than I had intended. The fact was, that the mahogany ships were all on the point of sailing, being obliged to do so, by their charter, by the 1st of the month. I was diligently employed during the whole evening, in endeavouring to get a passage in one, but had the mortification to find that there was no accommodation left: I was the more distressed at this circumstance, from finding myself attacked, the next night, with a bilious fever; Don Eugenio was also confined to his bed, and the prospect of our departure became more and more uncertain. I had, on that day, the honour of dining with the intendant, General Codd, where I met Major Schaw,