Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/487

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centre is a fountain of excellent water, issuing from a crocodile's head of indifferent workmanship.

Many of the churches are large and of fine architecture. They are kept much cleaner and neater than they are at Mexico. A new one called the Pantheon, with spacious vaults for a cemetery under it, is just being completed in an expensive style, and another within fifty yards of it is being constructed for the use of the convent of Augustin nuns. Another large church newly erected at the west end of the city was opened and dedicated to St. Teresa on the 29th of May. The rest of the temples devoted to religion and the nature of their endowments have been already mentioned in the personal narrative.

Viewed at a distance, few cities present a more beautiful aspect than this, and, internally, though not strikingly pleasing, there is nothing in it, save a degree of dullness, that can excite absolute dislike. Its height above the level of the sea is about 1800