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King and Fairy Ring

would soon find himself plunged into great difficulties, if he did not make use of the ring which she then put on his finger. When he turned the stone of the ring to the inside of his hand, he became invisible; and when he turned the diamond outward, he became visible again.

He was mightily pleased with the present, and soon grew sensible of the inestimable value of it, When he suspected any one of his subjects, he went into that man’s house and closet, with his diamond turned inward, and heard and saw all the secrets of the family, without being perceived. When he mistrusted the designs of any neighbouring potentate, he would take a long journey unaccompanied, to be present in his most private counsels, and learn every thing, without the fear of being discovered. By this means, he easily prevented every intention to his prejudice; he frustrated several conspiracies formed against his person, and disconcerted all the measures of his enemies for his overthrow.

Nevertheless, he was not thoroughly satisfied with his ring; and he requested of the fairy the power of conveying himself, in an instant, from one country to another, that he might make a more convenient and ready use of the enchanted ring. The fairy replied, “You ask too much; let me conjure you not to covet a power, which I foresee will one