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King and Fairy Ring

brightest morning, but simple and ingenuous in all her beauty, which she disregarded, and which, in reality, was the least of her perfections; for she had an understanding and a virtue, which outshone all the graces of her person. All the youth of her neighbourhood were impatient to see her, and more impatient, after they had seen her, to obtain her in marriage; none doubting of being completely happy with such a wife.

King Alferute beheld her, and he loved her. He demanded her of the father, who was transported with the thoughts of his daughter becoming a great queen. Clarinda (so she was called) when from her father's hut into a magnificent palace, where she was received by a numerous court. She was not dazzled, nor disconcerted, at the sudden change; she preceived her simplicity, her modesty, her virtue, and forgot not the place of her birth, when she was in the height of her glory. The king’s affection for her increased daily, and he believed he should at last arrive at perfect happiness; neither was he already far from it, so much did he begin to confide in the goodness of his queen. He often rendered himself invisible to observe her, and to surprise her; but he never discovered any thing in her that was not worthy of his admiration. So that now there