Page:Narrative of the life and adventures of Henry Bibb, an American slave.djvu/20

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Chap. VI.—Arrival at Louisville, Kentucky, 72. Efforts to sell me, 73. Fortunate escape from man-stealers in the public street, 74. I return to Bedford, Ky., 77. The rescue of my family again attempted, 79. I started alone expecting them to follow, 80. After waiting some months I resolve to go back again to Kentucky, 83.
Chap. VII.—My safe return to Kentucky, 84. The perils I encountered there, 85. Again betrayed, and taken by a mob, ironed and imprisoned, 86. Narrow escape from death, 90. Life in a slave prison, 91.
Chap. VIII.—Character of my prison companions, 94. Jail breaking contemplated, 95. Defeat of our plan, 97. My wife and child removed, ib. Disgraceful proposal to her, and cruel punishment, 98. Our departure in a coffle for New Orleans, 99. Events of our journey, ib.
Chap. IX.—Our arrival and examination at Vicksburg, 101. An account of slave sales, 103. Cruel punishment with the paddle, ib. Attempts to sell myself by Garrison's direction, 106. Amusing interview with a slave buyer, 107. Deacon Whitfield's examination, 109. He purchases the family, 110. Character of the Deacon, ib.
Chap. X.—Cruel treatment on Whitfield's farm, 112. Exposure of the children, 116. Mode of extorting extra labor, 117. Neglect of the sick, ib. Strange medicine used, 118. Death of our second child, ib.
Chap. XI.—I attend a prayer meeting, 119. Punishment therefor threatened, 120. I attempt to escape alone, 121. My return to take my family, 122. Our sufferings, 123. Dreadful attack of wolves, 124. Our recapture, 128.
Chap. XII.—My sad condition before Whitfield, 131. My terrible punishment, 132. Incidents of a former attempt to escape, 134. Jack at a farm house, 136. Six pigs and a turkey, 138. Our surprise and arrest, 139.
Chap. XIII.—I am sold to gamblers, 143. They try to purchase my family, 145. Our parting scene, 147. My good usage, 149. I am sold to an Indian, 150. His confidence in my integrity manifested, 151.
Chap. XIV.—Character of my Indian Master, 152. Slavery among the Indians less cruel, 153. Indian carou-