Page:National Anthems of the Allies.djvu/12

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La Marseillaise
The French National Anthem
English Words by
Florence Attenborough

\relative c'' {
    \new Voice = "anthem" {
       \omit Score.BarNumber
       \key g \major
       \partial 2
       r8 d,8 d d
       g4 g a a
       d4.( b8) g8. g16 b8. g16
       e4 c'2 a8 fis8
       g2 r4 g8. a16
       b4 b b << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown c8.( b16) } \\ { c8.[ b16] } >>
       b8[( a)] a4 r4 << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown a8( b) } \\ { a8[ b] } >>
       c4 c c << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown d8.( c16) } \\ { d8.[ c16] } >>
       b2 r4 << { \autoBeamOff d8 d } \\ { d4 } >>
       d4 b8[( g)] d'4 << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown b8( g) } \\ { b8[ g] } >>
       d2 r8 d8 d fis
       a2 c4 a8 fis
       g4 g f2
       e4 g8 g g4 << { \autoBeamOff \slurDown fis!8( g) } \\ { fis8[ g] } >>
       a2 r4 r8 a8
       bes4. bes8 a bes c d%last note causes an error
    \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
      \set associatedVoice = #"anthem"
        \set stanza = \markup {\italic "1. "}
        \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
        Al8 -- lons, en -- fants4 de la pa -- tri2 -- e,8.
        Le16 jour8. de16 gloire4 est2 ar8 -- ri -- vé!2
        \skip4 Con8. -- tre16 nous4 de la ty8. -- ran16 -- ni4 -- e
        \skip4 L'é8 -- ten -- dard4 san -- glant est8. le16 -- vé,2
        \skip4 L'é8 -- ten -- dard4 san -- glant est8 le8 -- vé!2
        \skip8 En8 -- ten -- dez -- vous2 dans4 nos8 cam -- pa4 -- gnes
        Mu2 -- gir4 ces8 fé -- ro4 -- ces8 sol -- dats?2
        \skip4. Ils8 vien4. -- nent8 jus -- que dans nos
    \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
      \set associatedVoice = #"anthem"
        \set stanza = #"1. "
        A8 -- rise, ye chil4 -- dren of the na2 -- tion,8.
        The16 day8. of16 glo4 -- ry2 now8 is here!2
        \skip4 See8. the16 hosts4 of dark op -- pres -- sion,
        \skip4 Their blood -- stained ban -- ners rear,2
        \skip4 Their4 blood -- stain'd ban -- ners rear!2
        \skip8 Do8 ye not heed?2 roar4 -- ing8 the ty4 -- rants go,2
        Scat4 -- ter8 -- ing homes4 and peace;2
        \skip4. Our8 sons,4. our8 com -- rades face the
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
       \key g \major
       \partial 2
        r8 d,8 d[ d]
        <b d g>4 q <d fis a> q
        <d g b d>4. <d g b>8 <b d g>8.[ g'16] <d g b>8.[ g16]
        <c, e>4 <c e a c>( <c d fis c'>) << { a'8 fis } \\ { <c d>4 } >>
        <b d g>4 q q <b g'>8. <d a'>16
        <g b>4 q q <a c>8. <g b>16
        <g b>8 <fis a> q2 q8 <g b>8
        <d a' c>4 q q <fis d'>8.[ c'16]
        <d, g b>2. <d d'>8[ q]
        <d b' d>4 b'8[ g] q4 b8[ g]
        d8[ d16 d] d8[ d] d[ d d fis]
        << { a2 c4 a8[ fis] } \\ { <d fis>4 q <c fis> <c d> } >>
        << { g'2 f } \\ { <g, d'>4 q <b d> q } >>
        << { e4 g8[ g] g4 fis!8[ g] } \\ { c,4 <c e> <a cis> q } >>
        <d fis a>2. r8 a'8
        << { bes4. bes8 a[ bes] c[ d] } \\ { <d, g>4 q q q } >>
      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        \key g \major
        \partial 2
        <g,, g'>4 q <d d'> q
        <g, g'> q <g' g'> q
        <c, c'> q <d d'> q
        <g g'> b8.[ d16] g4 r4
        g, b d g
        d, fis a d
        d, fis a d
        g, b8.[ d16] g4 r4
        <g, g'>2 q
        <d d'>2. r4
        <c c'>4 q <a a'> q
        <b b'> q <g g'> q
        <c c'> q <ees ees'> q
        <d d'> q q r4
        d g bes d

Copyright, 1917, by G. Schirmer