Page:National Ballad and Song (1897), vol. 1.djvu/28

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Up raise the goodman’s dochter and for to bar the door,
And there she saw the beggar standin’ i’ the floor.
  And we'll gang nae mair a roving
   Sae late into the night,
  And we'll gang nae mair a roving, boys,
  Let the moon shine ne’er so bright.

He took the lassie in his arms, and to the bed he ran,
cautiouslyOhooly, hooly wi’ me, sir, ye’ll waken our goodman.
  And we'll gang nae mair a roving
   Sae late into the night,
  And we'll gang nae mair a roving, boys,
  Let the moon shine ne’er so bright.

The beggar was a cunnin’ loon, and ne’er a word he spake,
talkUntil he got his turn done, syne he began to crack.
  And we'll gang nae mair a roving
   Sae late into the night,
  And we'll gang nae mair a roving, boys,
  Let the moon shine ne’er so bright.

“Is there ony dogs into this town? maiden, tell me true.”
my honey and my dove“And what wad ye do wi’ them, my hinny and my dow?”
  And we'll gang nae mair a roving
   Sae late into the night,