Page:National Ballad and Song (1897), vol. 5.djvu/45

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And then he lay down by my side
And spread his armes upon me,
And I, being ’twixt sleep and wake,
Did strive to thrust him from me,
But he with all the power he had,
Did lie the harder on me.
And then he did so play with me,
As I was plaid with never;
The wanton boy so pleased me,
I would have slept for ever.
And then methought the world turn’d round,
And Phœbus fell a-skipping,
And all the Nymphs and Goddesses
About us two were tripping.
Then seemed Neptune as he had pour’d
His Ocean streams upon us,
But Boreas with his blust’ring blasts
Did strive to keep him from us.
Limping Vulcan he came,
As if he had been jealous,
Venus follow’d after him,
And swore she’d blow the bellows.
Mars called Cupid Jackanapes,
And swore he would him smother,
Quoth Cupid, Said I so to thee
When thou lay’st with my mother?
Juno then, and Jupiter,
Came marching with Apollo;