Page:National Life and Character.djvu/369

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Voltaire on earthquakes, 141 ; his influence, 150 ; on Shakespeare, 307

Walpole, a peace-loving Minister, 137
War never likely to be replaced by arbitration, 136-138
Webster, 167
Wellington, predictions by, 3, 4 ; wrong forecast of, by Napoleon, 8 ; forbids English and French outposts to mingle, 140, note ; extenuates atrocities at San Sebastian, 141
Wieliczka, mine of, 107
Wiener's views about Indians in Peru, 52, 53 ; knows a half-caste priest, 56
Women, how affected by changes in society, 276-279
Wurtemberg, depopulation of, in Thirty Years' War, 81, 82

Ynglinga Saga, quoted, 343
York, Duke of, employed, though provedly incapable, 280
Young's (Arthur) sound estimate of the Revolution, 6
Yunnan, 34 ; massacres in, 82 ; Mahommedanism stamped out in, 131

Zambesi, anticipations about the region of the, 33
Zealand, New, and progressive land-tax, 19, 329
Zulus, 36, 37


Printed by R. & R. CLARK, Edinburgh.