Page:Native Tribes of South-East Australia.djvu/235

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Southern Branch
Male Marries Children are
(Aa) (Bd) (Bc)
Yibai eagle-hawk (1) Kubbitha bush-rat (5) Murri and Matha bush-rat (5)
Yibai mallee-hen Kubbitha flying-squirrel Murri and Matha flying-squirrel
Yibai opossum Kubbitha bush-rat Murri and Matha bush-rat
Yibai opossum Kubbitha flying-squirrel Murri and Matha flying-squirrel
Wumbi blood-sucker lizard Matha young emu Kubbi and Kubbitha young emu
(Bc) (Ab) (Aa)
Murri young emu (3) Butha blood-sucker lizard (8) Yibai and Yibatha blood-sucker lizard (8)
Kubbi bush-rat Yibatha eagle-hawk Wumbi and Butha eagle-hawk
Kubbi flying-squirrel Yibatha mallee-hen Wumbi and Butha mallee-hen
Kubbi bush-rat Yibatha opossum Wumbi and Butha opossum
Kubbi bandicoot Yibatha opossum Wumbi and Butha opossum

As an example I give a diagram of one marriage in each class, namely, the first in Yibai, and that in Murri.

Diagram XIII
Yibai Murri
m. Aa 1 m. Aa 3
f. Bd 5 f. Ab 8
m. and f. Bc 5 m. and f. Aa 8
etc. etc.

This shows that, in the first place, descent is in the female line; in the second, that while the class and the totem descend direct from mother to child, the sub-class is alternatively one of the two which represent the class. Each totem is restricted to marriage with certain totems of the other class, and not, as in the Dieri tribe, for instance, allowed to marry any of those totems.