Page:Native Tribes of South-East Australia.djvu/839

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playing, 770; fire drill, 773; camping rules, 773-4

Kurnandaburi tribe, 49, 96; Gaura, 97; betrothal and marriage, 192

Kuurn-koppan-noot tribe, 69

Lachlan River tribes, class system, 107; marriage rules, 211-13; DiagramXIV., marriages and descents, 213

Lake Eyre tribes, 44-9; reception of messengers, 685; legends of, see Appendix, 779-806

Lalor, J., 58, 108-10, 304, 432, 439, 469, 722, 739, 769

Lance, T. E. , 103, 199, 203

Lang, Andrew, 143, 152-3, 753

Lang, Dr. Dunmore, 754

Lang, G. D., 754

Latham, R. M., 2

Legendary beings, 475; Mura-muras, 475; legends as to, 476-82; Arunta, 482-4; Yerkla-mining. 484; Wotjobaluk, 484, 485; Wunmjerri, 484, 485; Kurnai, 485-6; Mnk-kurnai, 487

Legends, Perigundi, 95-6; of Loan, 134, 485; sacred, 486-8; of initiation, 645-55; Lake Eyre tribes, 779-806

Leitchi-leitchi tribe, 52, 689

Lethbridge, K. C., 468

Life, daily, of Kulin, 772

Localities, intermarrying, Yuin, 262; Kurnai, 271-2

Logan, W. , 709, 727-9, 731-4

Lucas, William, 274, 278

Luebben, A., 289

Lyddeker, R., 31

M'Alpine, J., 134, 274, 769-70

Macdonald, D., no

M'Gillivray, J., 3, 10, 26

M'Keachie, A. M. , 693

M'Kinlay, Dr. E. M., 85, 334. 367, 376, 380, 381, 383-4, 401, 404, 451, 452. 465, 485, 496, 572, 574, 644, 686, 721, 725, 749, 785

M'Kinlay, J., 685

M'Lean, Hon. A., 440

M'Lennan, J. F., on Levirate, 281

Macleod, J. C, 743

Macquarie, Lake, tribe, legendary being, 496-7

Magic, evil, projecting magical substances, 357-8, 365-7, 371, 400, 402; "pointing the bone" or otherwise, 359-61; use of human fat, see Fat; roasting or burning substances, 360-1, 362, 364, 365-6; clairvoyance before death, belief in, 371, 466; Barn and Bulk, 376-8, 439; charms and ceremonies to influence food supply, 399-400, 798; omens and warnings, 400. 402; inherent to tract of country, 403; fear of transference by food, 767; effects of, in forbidden food, 769-70

Maiden, J. H., 432, 471

Maitland tribe, nose flattening, 743

Malku-malku-ulu legend, see Legends of initiation

Maiming, James, 501

Maranoa tribe, burial, 467-8

Maraura-speaking trites, ceremonies of, 675

Mardala tribe, 74; stone axes, 312; skins, 714

Marriage, by capture, see Female captives ; ceremony, Dieri, 18 1-2 ; Kuinmurbura, 193 ; Wide Bay trilie, 237 ; Wotjo- baluk, Mukjarawaint, 245 ; Wurun- jerri, 255 ; Gringai, 267 ; by ex- change, Dieri, 177 ; Wiradjuri, 211 ; Wide Biiy, 237 ; Wurunjerri, 243 ; Gournditch-mara, 249 ; Yuin, 264 ; group, Dieri, 179-87 ; Parnkalla, 191 ; Kurnandaburi. 192-3; Wiimbaio, 195 ; Geawe-gal, 216 ; Kuinmurbura, 219 ; Wakelbura, 224 ; N'arrang-ga, 260; rules, Dieri, 175-81 ; Urabunna, 176, 188; Yenda-karangu, 187-8; Urabunna totemic, 188 ; Dieri and Urabunna compared, 189; Kurnanda- buri, 192-3 ; Darling River trilies, Wiiml>aio, 194 ; Ya-itma-thang, 196 ; Wolgal and Ngarigo, 197; Kamilaroi, 200- 1 ; compared with Dieri, 201 ; anomalous, Kamilaroi, 203-4 ; Wirad- juri, 208-11; Raraba-baraba, 211; Liichlan River tribe, 211-13; Wong- hibon. 213-16 ; Geawe-gal, 216; Big- ambul, Wollaroi, 217 ; Unghi, Kuin- murbura, 218 ; Kongahi, 220 ; Wakel- bura, 221-2; inter-tribal marriages, 225-6 ; Buntamurra, 226-7 ; Kaiabara, 228-30 ; Muruburra, 230 ; Mary- borough tribes, 233-4 ; Wide Bay tribes, 236-7 ; Arunta, 238-9 ; Wara- munga, 239-40; Wotjolwluk, 240-3; Mukjarawaint, 243 ; Gournditch-mara, 249 ; trilK's of South-west X'ictoria, 250-1 ; Buandik, 251-2 ; Kulin, 252- 3 ; Wurunjerri, 253-5 ; Bunurong, Bangerang, Yerkla-mining, 257 ; Nar- rang-ga, 258-60; Narrinyeri, 260; Murring trilies, 261-2; (jringai, 266-7; Port Stephens trilx:, Port Jackson tribes, 268; Komlmingheri, 268-9; Kurnai, 272; Chepara, 280

Marriages, Tippa-malku, 177; Parnkalla equivalent, 191; Kurnandaburi equivalent, 192-3; unlawful,