Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/224

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night, in deep and dreadful pain, covered with cruel burns, and only her own hands to dress them yet, thankful for the shelter, and the oil and bandages to swathe the wounds. She had expected, a few hours before, to perish of cold and hunger in the wilderness, if she escaped falling again into the hands of those who had brought death and desolation to the humble spot which was her home. She silently thanked God that he had directed her wild, flying feet toward the abode of some of her own race.

Before she had finished her painful task, strength began to fail. The sudden change from the out-of-door atmosphere to the heated apartment: brought on giddiness, and she fell backward on the bed several times while swathing the last arm.

"You can do that for her," said the husband to his wife.

"Oh! I'd rather you would," she answered; "and I will bring her a cup of tea and a slice of