Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/31

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"I wish you would go away, Susan, and let me alone," she said, fretfully; "for I hate to have anybody stand and stare at me, as you do, and not say a word."

"How do you do, Nathalie?" asked Mrs. Stone.

"I am scalded almost to death; but nobody cares, or does anything for me; though father will when he comes."

"Father is not coming to-night, so the doctor called and told us to hasten to mother, and remain till his return," said Mrs. Stone.

"Oh, dear! but father will come to-morrow, won't he!"

"No; not unless mother is worse, and we send for him. He has gone to a distant place to buy some lumber."

"I shall die, if he don't get back soon," said Nattie, groaning.

"How do you feel?" asked her sister, not knowing but her burns were deeper than Bridget