Page:Natural History, Fishes.djvu/37

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excellent observer. He remarks that this same species “evinces a sort of parental affection for its ova, as a bird for its nest, returning quickly to


the spot, and being unwilling to quit it when disturbed.”

According to Fabricius, the male Lump Sucker, a British fish of grotesque form, but of brilliant colours, keeps watch over the spawn when laid by the female, and defends it with the utmost courage. Even the ferocious and formidable Wolf-fish approaches the nest at the risk of his life, for the Sucker, though so much smaller, and far more feebly armed, is yet able to infix its teeth in its adversary's throat, and inflict a mortal wound. If driven away by man, he does not go far, but is continually looking back, and soon returns. Our own fishermen in some respects confirm this account, and add that the young, when hatched, attach themselves to the sides of their careful