Page:Natural History Review (1862).djvu/299

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282 OBianrAL abticles.

No. of Species.

f80. Zonotrichia amhicottis (Ghnelin). North to Fort Simpson: rather rare.

Genus Junco. 81. Junco oregoneu9 (Towns.). Oregon Snow Bird. North to Fort Simpson : rare. •|'82. Junco hyemalisW (Sclater). Snow-bird. North to Good Hope.

Genus Spizella.

t83. Spizella monticola^ (Baird). Tree Sparrow. North to La-

pierre^s House: abundiuit. 184. Spizella 80cialis (a) (Wilson.) Social Sparrow. North to

Fort Simpson : abundant. t85. Spizella 90cialis (fi) (Wilson). Striped-crown variety. North

to Fort Simpson : common. |86. Spizella pallida (Bonap.). North to Fort Besolution: rare.

Genus Melospiza. t87. Melospiza Lincolnii (Baird). Lincoln's Finch. North to Fort Simpson : not rare. 88. Melospiza palustris (Baird). Swamp Finch. North to Fort Besolution: rare.


G^nus Passerella.

■|'89. Passerella iliaca (Swain.). Fox Sparrow. North to Lapierre's House: common.

Family IctericUe.

Genus Melothrus.

90. Melothrus peeoris (Swam.). Cow-bird. North to Fort Simpson : very rare.

G^nus Agelaius. t91. Agelaius phoenieeusW (Vieill) Swamp Blackbird. North to Fort Norman.

92. Agelaius guhernator (Bon.). Eed-shouldered Blackbird.

North to Fort Simpson : common.

93. Agelaius tricolor (Nutt). Bed and white-shouldered Black-

bird. North to Fort Simpson : rare.

Genus Xanthocephalus.

94. Xanthocephalus icterocephalus (Baird). Yellow-headed Black-

bird. Though no specimen of this bird has been procured I observed it once at Fort Simpson.

(IcterinsB.) G^nus Scolecophagus.

95. Scolecophagus /errugineus (Swam). Eusty Blackbird. North

to Good Hope : common.

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