Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/139

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our message," suggested Fenn, after they had walked around a bit. Back they went to the telegraph office, and found there was a reply. Bart's hands trembled slightly as he tore open the envelope. The message from Mrs. Kenfield was a short one. It read:

"Ned started for home after leaving me."

"Might have known it," remarked Frank.

"Of course," put in Fenn. "What else could he do? He wouldn't stay in New York, where he doesn't know a soul, after his aunt and uncle left."

"Then I s'pose the only thing for us to do is to follow Ned back to Darewell," suggested Bart. "Here's an end to our holiday. Too bad!"

"Why need we go back?" asked Frank. "We're here in New York. It may be many years before we have another chance like this. We have enough money to last us a week or more, even if we have to stay at a hotel."

"What do you mean?" asked Fenn.

"Why not spend a week in New York anyhow?" Frank went on. "It's too bad Ned has gone home. He'd stay with us if he was here. We can go to a cheap hotel and have almost as