Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/33

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"Now for some more game!" cried Ned, as Frank tied the legs of the turkey and slung the bird across his back in true hunter fashion.

"Guess we'll have to tramp a long distance before we get any more," remarked Fen. "All the turkeys for a mile around heard the guns and they'll keep to deep cover."

However the boys, ever hopeful, resumed their tramp. They found plenty of turkey tracks but no birds, and, after covering several miles, decided to make their way back to camp, as it was getting dark early on account of the storm.

They got the right direction, by means of the compass, and were within about a mile of where they had set up the tent when Bart, who was ahead, suddenly halted.

"What is it?" asked Fenn, as he saw his chum aiming his gun up through the low branches of a tree near which he had stopped.

For answer Bart fired. There was a flutter of