Page:Ned Wilding's Disappearance.djvu/93

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did not suit any better. Finally a compromise was made and Wednesday, following the Monday on which Ned was to start, was fixed on.

Then came an announcement which changed the plans of the boys to some extent. Late Saturday afternoon it was stated that the damage to the school had been greater than was at first supposed. It would be impossible to make repairs so that classes might assemble the second week in January, and the institution was to close for a month. Not until February first, President Williamson stated, would the school open again.

"Say, this will just suit us!" cried Ned as he and his chums discussed the news that night. "We can stay so much longer. I know my aunt will be glad to see us, and the longer vacation we have the better she will like it. She's fond of boys. All hers are grown up. She said I was to come and stay a month if I wanted to."

"Fine!" exclaimed Bart. "I'll have to pack a few more clothes in my trunk if we are to be gone longer than we first calculated.

"So will I," cried Fenn.

"Then it's all settled," said Ned. "I'll go Monday and you follow Wednesday. You can find your way to the house I guess. It's on West Forty-fourth street. Here's the number. I'll be