Page:Negro boy.pdf/5

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Talk of fairies and witches that ride in the wind.
and of Ghoſts, till their all in a ſweat:

Heav'n grant in this ſeaſon it may be my lot,
with the nymph whom I love and admire,
Whilſt the icicle: hang from the eves of my cot
I may thither in ſafety retire.
Where in neatneſs and quiet, and free from ſurpriſe
we me live and no hardſhips endure,
Nor feel any turbulent paſions ariſe,
but ſuch as each other may cure.



COUP ſent a letter frae Dunbar,
Charlie meet me an ye dare,
And I'll learn you the art of war.
If you'll meet wi' me in the morning.

Hey Johnny Coup are ye waking yet,
Or are your drums a-beating yet,
If ye were waking I wou'd wait,
To gang to the coals in the morning.