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17 Negro wept- His heart was full. I felt with him, and wept likewise. The last day will shew, whether our tears were not the tears of sincerity and Christian lore. It was time for my return, I leaned upon his arm as we ascended the steep cliff in my way back to my horse, which I had left at the top of the hill. Humility and thankfulness were marked in his countenance. I leaned upon his arm with the feelings of a brother. It was a relationship I was happy to own.I took him by the hand at part- ing, appointed one more interview previous to the day of baptizing him, and bid him farewel for the present. 'God bless you, my dear Massa.' 'And you, my fellow Christian, for ever and ever Amen.

THE NEGRO'S VISIT TO THE COTTAGE. PART III. The very interesting and affecting conversations which I had with the Negro Servant, noticed in the two former parts, produced a sensation not easy to be expressed. As I returned home, I was led into meditation on the singular clearness and beauty of those evidence of faith and conversion to God, which I had just seen and heard. How plainly, I thought, it appears, that salvation is freely by grace through faith; and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. What but the Holy Spirit, who is the author and giver of the life of grace, could have wrought such a change from the once