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3 'Well, Sir, I shall be very glad to see him, and think it probable I may go through a course of in- sruction and examination ; during which I shall be able to form a judgment, how far it will be right to admit him to the sacrament of baptism. Can he read?' 'Yes, replied his Master ; he has been tak- ing great pains to learn to read for some time past, and can make out a chapter in the Bible very well, as my maid servant informs me. He speaks Eng- lish better than many of his countrymen, but you will find it a little broken. When will it be con- venient that I should send him over to you? 'To-morrow afternoon, Sir, if you please.' 'He shall come to you about four o'clock, and you shall see what you can make of him.' With this promise he took his leave. I felt glad of an opportunity of instructing a native of that and whose wrongs and injuries had often caused me to sigh and mourn. At the appointed hour my Negro disciple ar- rived. He was a very young looking man, with a sensible, lively, and pleasing turn of countenance. I desired him to sit down and said, 'Your mas- ter informs me, that you wish to have some con- versation with me, respecting Christian Baptism? 'Yes, Sir, me very much wish to be a Christian.' 'Why do you wish so ?' 'Because me know that Christian go to heaven when he die.' 'How long have you had that wish?' I said: 'Ever since me hear one goot minister preach In America ; two years ago.' 'Where were you born? 'In Africa. Me was very little boy, when me was made slave by the white men.'