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7 me come to die, to go and live with him always, ind never die again.' 'What are your thoughts about Christian love. or charity; whom or what do you most love ?' 'Me love God the Father, because he was so goot to send his Son. Me love Jesus Christ, be- cause he love me. Me love all men, black men and white men too; for God made them all. Me love all goot Christian people, because Jesus love them, and they love Jesus.' Such was my first conversation with this young disciple; I rejoiced in the prospect of receiving him into the church, agreeably to his wishes. I wished, however, to converse somewhat farther, and inquire more minutely into his conduct; and promised to ride over and see him in a few days, at his master's lodgings. When he was gone, I thought within myself God hath indeed redeemed souls by the blood of his Son, out of every kindred and tongue, and people and nation. If many of them for a time are devoted to earthly slavery, through the cruel avarice of man: yet, blesssed be God, that some amongst them are, through Divine Grace, called to the glorious liberty of the children of God; and. so are redeemed from the slavery of him, who makes so many captive at his will. It is a happy thought, that Ethiopia shall soon. stretch forth her hands unto God. Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth, O sing praises unto the Lord !' 'I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.' My interviews with the Negro suggested the following lines, which I here subjoin under the title of The Negro's Prayer.