Page:Neith Boyce--The bond.djvu/223

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THE portrait was begun; and Isabel, having carried her point, became for a time extraordinarily sweet and docile. Three sittings a week having been conceded, she made no other demands on Basil's time, which he wished to de- vote, outside of work, to his wife. He made great efforts to divert Teresa, to induce her to go out, to make her take care of her health, which was re-established very slowly. She recognised his care of her gratefully, though almost dumbly, and tried at times to meet his wish, but an overwhelming lassitude of mind and body left her no energy of will. She wanted nothing except absolute peace and quiet, and Basil's keen desire that she should begin to live again interfered with her recovery. She began to feel that she should not get strong till she got away by herself, and at last expressed a wish to go at once to Europe. This was in March; but the dangers of the winter crossing for herself and Ronald, and her own physical weakness resulted in a joint veto of Basil and the doctor; and Teresa yielded passively. She lived on, therefore, in the apartment, seeing as few people as she could manage, not going out unless she was forced;