Page:Nestorian Monument - Carus.djvu/49

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Periodical Publications of The Open Court Publishing Company


AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE Devoted to the Science of Religion, the Religion of Science, and the

Extension of the Religious Parliament Idea

Editor: Dr. Pau. Cakus Associates: io

An Unpartisan Organ of Religious, Ethical, Philosophical and Scientific Expression, Contributed to by the Leaders of Science in all Countries, and by the Leaders of Religion of all Denominations.

HERE is no conflict between religion and sciefée, but there is a conflict between scientific truth and religious dogma. Dogmas are symbols which express re- ligious truth in more less appropriate allegories. They are not the truth itself.

A belief in the letter of dogmas indicates indolence and the lack of genuine religion. The old dogmatism must be surrendered and will have to give place to a higher and ibe etal gious conception, which from the methods employed is called “The Religion of Science.”

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A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE Devoted to the Philosophy of Science

Editor: Dr. PAuL Carus. co Associates: Pole HE Puivosopny oF Science is an application of the scientific method to philo-

I sophy. It is a systematization of positive facts; it takes experience as its foundation, and uses the formal relations of experience (mathematics, logic,

etc.) as its method. All truths form one consistent system and any dualism of irre-

concilable statements indicates a problem arising from either faulty reasoning or an

insufficient knowledge of facts. Science always implies Monism 7. é. a unitary world- conception. ;

“The Monist” also discusses the Fundamental Problems of Philosophy in their Relations to all the Practical Religious, Ethical and Sociological Questions of the Day.

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