Page:Nestorian Monument - Carus.djvu/6

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THE Nestorian monument in the interior of China is of extreme interest to all students of religion, especially in the field of the history of Christian missions. It was set up in 781 A. D., and since it was discovered by accident in 1625, several Chinese and Western scholars have made it the object of their inquiry.

Mr. Frits V. Holm of Denmark has recently undertaken the laborious task to procure a replica of the stone which he has brought to the United States.

In art "replica" means an exact copy of the original made by the artist himself. For simplicity's sake, however, we follow Mr. Holm in using the term in the sense that his copy is exactly like the original, made of the same material so that only with the greatest difficulty could it be distinguished from the original.

The present little book contains all the information necessary for a comprehension of the significance of the monument, its history, its place in the history of China and its meaning to Christianity. The contents of the present publication are as follows:

The Original Text of the Nestorian Monument.

Translation of the Nestorian Inscription by A. Wylie.

The Holm-Nestorian Expedition to Sian 1907, by Frits V. Holm: followed by a Communication on the Exploits of Mr. Von Holm.

Nestorius and the Nestorians.

The Nestorians in China. According to the late S. Wells Williams.