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On waking, I began to think out a decision concerning the future. The more I considered the idea of returning, the more foolish it appeared. I would like to make the existence of this happy-land known to the world; but then there was no certainty that we could get through the icefields. I had property in Sydney, but why should I trouble about that? I should in all likelihood attain a greater age here, and be happier than if I returned. I might not be quite so rich, but, on the other hand, there was at least no danger of being poor. I thought of my friends in other lands, but where could I find friends more steadfast than those I had already made in Neuroomia? No! I would not return. I would go to the Penguin, and bring the crew back with me to Atazatlan. As for Septimus, I had arranged a little plan of my own to meet his case.

I now got up, feeling a wiser man, completed my toilet, and repaired to the dining hall, where I met Ouneyubla. Daring the course of our meal, I made my decision known to him.

He said that not only would all the rights of citizenship be conferred upon me, but that it was the intention of the Government to grant me special privileges as well. With regard to my intended