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increase was indeed small compared to the parts I had referred to, and this he attributed chiefly to difference in climatic conditions.

I here remarked that I had already noticed that neither their animals nor birds were so prolific as those of other regions.

He continued that they had whole forests, where the birds were seldom or never molested, and though they lived to a great age, yet the increase did not appear to be perceptible; and although it was desirable the population should increase, yet an excessive population would not be looked upon as an unmixed blessing in Neuroomia. However, there was nothing to be apprehended from what I might be pleased to consider an impending evil; indeed, it was a question that had neither demanded nor received serious consideration at their hands.

Yondozi now put in an appearance. He was a short, thick-set, intelligent-looking man, apparently about middle age, with handsome features and a pleasing expression of countenance. I liked his appearance, and knew that we should become friends. Onneyubla introduced me, and in a few words referred to my proposed trip. He then said that he would leave us to discuss matters, and took his departure.