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back towards one of the balconies, and there saw a number of men and women who were waving green boughs towards us, then threw their bouquets after us, and finally raised their branches in token of adieu. I could distinguish the face of Alvarez among them, and felt disappointed, for I expected that, like myself, she would feel sad; but she didn't. On the contrary, she appeared brighter than before. That face, however, haunted me for many of the hours I was absent from Atazatlan.

The expedition consisted of five men and seven flanillas. Each of the two young men led a flanilla laden with provisions and accoutrements for the journey; apart from this, each of us also carried a small pack on his animal.

Our course for a time lay through the settled country, which was well cultivated and fruitful in the highest degree, the road we travelled following a slightly elevated ridge. On the left, as far as the eye could reach, were houses, fields, animals, and orchards. Having wended our way through these for some, distance, we left the principal highway, and turned to the right in the direction of the nearest mountains. This, Yondozi said, was to strike a pass that led over them, and he pointed to a gorge a little way ahead.