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"he is now perfectly cured, as has been proved bymore than one physician: otherwise he would not be eligible for marriage."

When the dance was over we were joined by Vandalia and Yondozi, so we sat down together. We did not take part in the next, neither did Estas. However, I noticed that Hitomlik was dancing with another young lady,—younger, indeed, and much handsomer than his former partner. After some time we took part in another dance, in which were Hitomlik and the young lady; but I saw nothing of Estas. When I next saw her, she and Hitomlik were standing close to each other, beside one of the sheltered nooks, and on the very edge of the lower deck. I glanced at the situation, and was just thinking that I should not care to be in that position with Estas, when I saw her deliberately give him a slight push with her elbow, which caused him to lose his balance and fall into the water. I believe that I called out, and rushing towards, him jumped in in an instant. I soon, however, discovered that there was no occasion for this act, for he swam like an octopus, as indeed every Neuroomian can swim. The Dorondoro was stopped, and we again got on board, after experiencing nothing worse than a good ducking.