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nothing of Alvarez, and began to walk along the promenade, in the hope of meeting her. During this time I also missed Vandalia, and was wondering where they had gone, when I met Yeyema, and got into conversation with him about various matters. After some time had elapsed, we repaired to the middle deck for refreshments. Having patronised one of the stalls, we sat down, but I could see nothing of Alvarez on this deck. I did not question Yeyema as to their whereabouts, thinking that he very probably would not know.

However, I noticed that there was a good crowd of people some distance ahead of us, but could not see those who were sitting in front, as some were standing. I looked for some time in that direction; still, there was no sign of the ladies putting in an appearance, so I suggested to Yeyema that we go "ahead," and we walked towards the crowd. I went sufficiently far to the front to get a view of the whole, and felt satisfied that she was not among them; indeed, we were on the point of returning, when I happened to turn half round and look to the left. There I saw a sight that chilled me, and yet I had to endeavour to conceal all signs of emotion, as I did not wish to expose my weakness