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I now felt more consoled, though still uncomfortable enough.

"This is a lovely trip!" she remarked. "I always enjoy it so much."

"There appear to be many on board who do so," I observed.

"Yes," she answered; "the proportion of sad ones is indeed very small."

"Alvarez seems to be exceptionally happy," I remarked. "Did you notice her in the dance?"

"Yes," she said meditatively; "I think she is always happy, and why should she not be so?" she continued. "Time will pass just the same if she were otherwise."

"Are you acquainted with her companion?" I inquired.

"Yes," was the reply. His name is Omalonzi, and he is well known in Atazatlan. They have been acquainted since they were children."

"Do you think she loves him?" I asked.

"No; not with a view to matrimony," she said. "That she likes him I have no doubt, and very probably he has a regard for her; but still they are not lovers."

"They are not engaged, then?" I observed.