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appeared to be the important harbours, but described semicircles round their entrances as they went along, and at the same time keeping well out to sea. Within the curves were small black dots, and the object of the Orino was obviously to avoid these.

But what could they represent? No clue as to their nature or use was given, and they were not reefs or isolated rocks, for these were shown by minute curved bars placed closely together. On examining the route, I found that they generally landed at the mouths of small creeks, but always some distance away from the principal harbours and cities.

According to the manuscript, it was the intention of the brothers to explore as much as possible of Arawarria, gather a cargo of interesting and useful objects, then return to Neuroomia. But of course they never returned, nor was it ever discovered what became of them, and their fate must remain a mystery to the end of all time; for it was now impossible that anything could be found to clear up, or indeed throw any further light on the matter. They appeared to have turned the western end of the continent before the manuscript was thrown into the sea, for the sketch curved round,