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this strange planet, we have named Marini, is describing its curve round, and in such close proximity to Mars, that large numbers of the people leap or fly, by means of some peculiar apparatus, to the former, and are carried away with it to the vast unknown."

"That is exceedingly wonderful," I said. "But I suppose it is one of those strange means by which Nature has arranged to make provision for her progeny."

"I differ from you," was Pondropell's quick remark. "You surely do not mean to imply," he continued, "that it is for the convenience, or to relieve the population of Mars, that this strange planet makes his periodical visit?" He went on, "I never heard this population question raised before in connection with Mars, and why the people leave that delightful orb is at present a mystery to us. It cannot, however, be on account of it possessing a redundant population, for we know from observation that such is not the case. One hundred thousand years have nearly elapsed since Marini departed, and his re-arrival, therefore, may now be considered near at hand; yet you saw yourself the great forests and extensive tracts of beautiful territory almost uninhabited. Surely this does not