Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/23

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and ſimilar ſubjects ariſing from the accidental exigencies and circumſtances of the State; in which the propoſitions, coming directly from the Throne into the Houſe of Nuncios, are to have preference in diſcuſſion before private bills.

In regard to the Houſe of Senate, it is to conſiſt of Biſhops, Palatines, Caſtellans, and Miniſters, under the preſidency of the King, who ſhall have but one vote, and the caſting voice in caſe of parity, which he may give either perſonally, or by a meſſage to the Houſe. Its power and duty ſhall be,

1ſt. Every general law that paſſes formally through the Houſe of Nuncios is to be ſent immediately to this, which is either accepted, or ſuſpended till farther national deliberation, by a majority of votes, as pre-
