Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/27

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ſhall be circumſcribed by a ſeparate law hereafter.


The King, or Executive Power.

The moſt perfect government cannot exiſt or laſt without an effectual executive power. The happineſs of the nation depends on juſt laws, but the good effects of laws flow only from their execution. Experience has taught us, that the neglecting this eſſential part of government has overwhelmed Poland with diſaſters.

Having, therefore, ſecured to the free Poliſh nation the right of enacting laws for themſelves, the ſupreme inſpection over the executive power, and the choice of their magiſtrates, we entruſt to the King, and his
