Page:New Constitution of the Government of Poland, Established by the Revolution, the Third of May, 1791.pdf/37

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( 27 )

Willing that the Council of Inſpection ſhould be reſponſible to the nation for their actions, we decree that, when theſe Miniſters are denounced and accuſed before the Diet (by the Special Committee appointed for examining their proceedings) of any tranſgreſſion of poſitive law, they are anſwerable with their perſons and fortunes.

Such impeachments being determined by a ſimple majority of votes, collected jointly from both Houſes, ſhall be tried immediately by the comitial tribunal, where the accuſed are to receive their final judgement and puniſhment, if found guilty; or to be honourably acquitted, on ſufficient proof of innocence.

In order to form a neceſſary organization of the executive power, we eſtabliſh

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