Page:New Monthly 1825.pdf/13

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O'er the stream a willow tree
last, I: if foredoom'd to he
33": of eorrew, meent to m
er tone love-ion neidee'e we.
Yet honed hm. end pellid led.
Hereare not theaign “grief.
Underneath, the bent is eet
With the ante violet,
Each one bending like a hritle.
Sweet and tent nigh to hide.
In A chm-t tree'l green rest
line the nightith e mt.
Wheat-e ht: richest tone- eone eweepiq.
Like e lule't delieimu weepi
What time the pele moon ' one:
"I ":1"? fi‘ "‘iw'm'
hi e t a i
[bell luluna'eodqtedenw 8..
But 'lil not for it: fair flowers.
’ t breathe of Jonah int have,
Not for it: la rue violet wreath.
For its ple't Arabian breath.
For it. eumhine, for it: elude,
Not for the sweet music nude
a the mug its mt. ting,
ould you eeek that pore-hid lying.

But I curious eprite. whoee dwelling
II in the rich number: swelling
From the hoeotn of tone shell
Trauma! in an ocean cell;
Or in the rich breathing tent
0a the sunny element,
From the me. u to complain
Of the April's sudden rain 3
Orin the red lights that week
Meiden’e lip or hurtling cheek :—
Sotne each eprite he. led e epdl
On the water: of this well.
Lover. il' thy heert hm Item
One pure fetth. end one alone.
Part the bought uide, nor fear
That thy step ehould enter here 3
For the fond end for the true
Speed- the boot in mirror hlee.
But if thy Glee heart he: charged,
0r thy tieltle hu .
Tehe thy felee hence end flee.
It will yield no wave for thee. L. E. L.