Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/12

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Preliminary Discourse.

to light) preceded the discourse of Dr. Gatti, or could the one have borrowed from the other, I should not have taken the trouble of translating that of my Italian friend But his piece was prior; and in a former treatise printed three years ago[1], the same principles were already, though explicitly, contained.

But still it may, I know it will, be said, that nothing was to be found here but what we knew before, the Public might have dispensed with this publication, as well as with three-fourths of the many ephemerous pamphlets on the same subject, which this insect-producing summer brought forth. I can only answer, that the different way of considering the same objects, the closeness of the method, and the strength of reasoning, which distinguish the author's manner; the extensiveness of his views and the novelty of his hints, were my motives for publishing his Essay in English. May I add, that I was besides animated by the desire of doing justice to an amiable character cruelly misrepresented, and not in France only injuriously traduced?

In one article, however, he differs from modern, as well as ancient, inoculators. He opposes what they recommend, a formal preparation. Yet, as the mode of this preparation remains still unsettled, and where required, must vary according to the difference of constitutions;

  1. Reflexions sur les préjugés qui's'opposent aux progrés & á la perfection de l'inoculation par Mr. Gatti. A. Bruxelles (Paris) 1764. en 8vo.