Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/48

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In general, some part of the arm is best; but the legs should never be chosen; for there the pustules are longest a-drying, ulcers are most often formed in the flux small-pox, and continue longest. The Thessalian woman, who inoculated in the forehead and chin, made a better choice than those who inoculate in the legs.

A recent fact, well known and well attested plainly shews the good effects of the method I am contending for.

In some counties in England, where inoculation has for these two or three years been carried on with a success hithrto unknown in Europe, it is performed in the following manner:

The point of a lancet being dipt into a pustule, and moistened with the matter, the person who is to be inoculated is immediately pricked in the arm, so as to introduce the point between the scarf and true skin. The operator then presses down the scarf-skin again with his finger, and all is done. No plaister or fillet is ever used. A few pustules appear afterwards on the part, but never any wound, ulcer, or discharge. Above twenty thousand people have already been inoculated in this manner[1].

I now come to the method of treatment would recommend; and likewise hope to advance some new truths upon this head.

  1. The authenticity of these numbers must rest upon the credit of the operators.