Page:New observations on inoculation - Angelo Gatti.djvu/50

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of such effectual, and yet simple and natural helps.

Four periods are distinguishable in the inoculated small-pox. The first is that of insertion; the second, that of local eruption; the third, that of the fever; and the fourth, that of the general eruption.

The first period lasts from the time of insertion to the first visible effect of the infectious matter, which shews itself by a slight inflammation at the place of insertion.

The second extends from the first effect upon the part, to that upon the whole animal system, or the first feverish symptoms.

The local inflammation at the place of insertion, is a real eruption of one or more variolous pustules, of the same nature with those that appear in other parts of the body when the eruption begins. Sometimes there is a red spot, or a cluster of spots, like flea-bites, which afterwards rise into real pustules. Sometimes a single pimple appears, having the little orifice for its center; and at other times it is a cluster or group of pustules, like the confluent small-pox.

Hence it appears, that the venom acts first upon that part where it was applied, and there produces a variolous, eruption, as it does in other parts.
