Page:New penal code of Siam (Masao T, 1908).pdf/16

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Yale Law Journal

with general principles and specific offences respectively. Already, good progress is being made in the collection of material for the other Codes, and it is confidently believed that in five years’ time from the date of this article (1908) Siam will be provided with all the Codes of Laws mentioned in her Treaties with Japan and France. When that takes place, His Majesty King Chulalongkorn of Siam, might, in view of the wonderful reforms that have been already accomplished in His Majesty’s army and navy within the last few years, with fitness join Justinian in proclaiming:—

“Imperatoriam majestatem non solum armis decoratam sed etiam legibus oportet esse armatam, ut utrumque tempus et bellorum et pads recte possit gubemari!”

Tokichi Masao.