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The ſignification of Moles on any part of the Body

A Mole on the right of the forehead ſig-nifies the party wiſe and induſtrious.
A mole on the left ſide of the forehead, ſig-nifies the party to be of no great
ingenuity; but that he is laborious, and ſhall obtain riches.
A mole on the middle of the forehead, de-notes an indifferent fortune, and that the par ty ſhall be much beloved and by that means doubtlefs attain unto preferment.
A mole on the right eye-brow, promiſes the party riches by marriage
A mole on the left eye-brow betokens the firſt marriage unhappy, but the second very fortunate.
A mole on the noſe denotes another on the private parts; which betokens the party to be lusſtful and very deſirous of marriage
A mole on the chin or on the corner of the mouth, denotes riches and honour; but that the party is ſomewhat given to gluttony.
A mole on the throat threatens theparty with diſeaſes, fuch as the ſtranguary, quiuzey, &c.
A mole on the neck behind, is ominous un-leſs the ſame be averted by Providence
A mole on the right ſhoulder, ſignifies the favour of great peſsons; and on the left, ſervility, labour and croſſes.
A mole on the back, fignifies a good name, and many children.
A mole on the middle of the belly, juſt by the navel; denotes an early marriage.
A mole on the private parts thews the party powerful in venery,and promiſes many children.